Museo Moderno
Levy Florencia
Lugar Fósil, 2020.

Florencia Levy, Buenos Aires 1979. My practice is driven by long-term research that explores different forms of subjectivities in relation to history, intimacy, architecture and power dynamics in the habitable environment of humans and non-humans. . My work is often supported by interviews and fieldwork, focusing on the political resonance of places and objects, related to conflict and affect. From the approach and search for proximity with people and places, I engage in a particular type of documentary encounter that is then translated into narratives that are developed in a wide variety of media including video, photography, painting, installation, publications and collaborative projects, and linking in specific situations in relation to history and memory. She studied at Central Saint Martin’s College of Arts in London and at the National University of Arts in Buenos Aires. She has won international scholarships to undertake Artistic Residencies in Holland, Japan, the United States, Taiwan, Cuba, South Korea, Malaysia, Poland, Israel, China and Switzerland. In 2020 and 2015 she won the Pollock-Krasner Foundation scholarship, New York, USA; In 2019 and 2016 she received the National Endowment for the Arts Creation Grant. She has received numerous awards and distinctions, including: Konex Diploma Award for Merit Art and Technology 2022; 10th Lichter Art Award, Frankfurt, Germany 2021; Trabucco Other Supports Award 2020; Presidency of the Nation Award for the Third Best Work of the National Hall 2019; Honorable Mention Loop Discover International Award, Barcelona, Spain 2019; Best Short Film Award Arquivo em Cartaz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018; 2nd Itaú Prize for Visual Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018; 1st Art x Art Prize, 2017; First Prize at the Puebla Video Biennial, Mexico 2016; Second Norberto Griffa Prize, Moving Image Biennial, 2016; Biennial Border Acquisition Award 2015, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Second Prize Klemm Foundation 2015; First Prize, Latin American Video Art Festival, 2012, 1st Prize Young Artists in the National Painting Prize of the Central Bank 2008; 3rd Prize for Painting at the National Salon 2007, among others. He has exhibited his work at national and international institutions such as the Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany; Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Russia; Arko Art Center, Seoul, South Korea; National Museum of Fine Arts of Santiago, Chile; POLIN Museum, Warsaw, Poland; OSDE Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Les Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, France; Academy of Spain in Rome, Italy; Run Run Shaw Creative Media Center in Hong Kong, among others. Since 2021 she co-directs the Bachelor’s Degree in Contemporary Artistic Practices at the School of Art and Heritage of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM). Her works make up the following institutional collections: National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires; POLIN Museum, Warsaw, Poland; Palais de Glace Collection, SNAV Acquisition 2019, Buenos Aires; Museum of Contemporary Art of Tamaulipas, Mexico; Banco Itaú Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Luz and Alfonso Castillo Foundation, Arte x Arte, Buenos Aires; Federico Jorge Klemm Foundation, Buenos Aires; Guasch-Coranty Foundation, Barcelona, Spain OSDE Foundation, Buenos Aires; AAGA, Argentine Association of Art Galleries, Buenos Aires; Central Bank of the Argentine Republic; UADE Foundation, Buenos Aires; Council of the Judiciary of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina and national and international private collections.