Museo Moderno
Leal Agustina
Tropicalia. 100x120cm

Agustina Leal (1991, C.A.B.A. – Argentina) Her research deals with the tense relationship between the human body and the city. The idea of architecture and body as a construction of identity in a certain sociopolitical context. The atmosphere surrounding her work contains at once terror, tenderness and eroticism, as does the construction of a “woman” body. In her paintings, bodies are constructions: buildings that form cities and cities that become bodies. . Among the exhibitions in which she participated, CUCA stands out, in Bikini Wax EPS, CDMX, Mexico (2021) and Penthouse, in Galería Grasa, BsAs., Argentina (2022). She works primarily with painting, but also with photography, video and installation.