Museo Moderno
Graciela Sacco
Bocanada (#6), 1993, Monocopia, heliography on paper, 75,5 x 49 cm, unique piece, vintage print.

Graciela Sacco (b. 1956-2017). Santa Fe, Argentina. He graduated in 1987 with a thesis dedicated to the Argentine avant-garde of the 60s. The artistic expressions of that decade had established strong links between artistic experimentalism and social commitment, culminating in Rosario, his hometown, with “Tucumán Arde”, experience internationally recognized as a milestone of political Conceptualism. That generation of artists had been harshly repressed by the military dictatorship that took the country from 1976 to 1983. Her work is related to light and graphics. From the beginning and throughout her career, her productions invite us to reflect on political and social violence. The use of different photosensitive processes has allowed her to materialize ideas and concepts in a particular way that has made her work carry a strong artistic identity. The transits, the exiles, the migrations, the nuclei of social conflict are present in episodes of different epochal distance. In her work the quotes come and go and acquire a circular meaning, until they are located in a timeless instance that is also imposed in the present. Her work today occupies a prominent position within the world contemporary art scene. She has represented Argentina in various international biennials including Shanghai (2004), Venice (2001), Havana (1997 and 2000), Mercosur (1997) and San Pablo (1996), among others. She has been awarded numerous awards and recognitions, such as the Artist of the Year, by the Argentine Association of Critics (2001) and the Konex Prize (2002-2012), among others. He has published numerous books such as “Nothing is Where It is Believed” (2015), “M2 Volumen I” (2009), “Shadows of the South and the North” (2004), “Images in Turbulence: Migrations, Bodies and Memory” ( 2000), “Solar Writings” (1994). Her works and career have been cataloged in important leading national and international publications such as America’s Society Magazine, Bomb, Art Nexus, Art News, Art in Americas and the New York Times. She has held numerous individual and group exhibitions in Argentina, England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Israel, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba and Peru. Today, her work is part of national and international collections, both public and private, such as MACRO Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario, Santa Fé, Argentina; MAMBA Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, Argentina and MALBA Latin American Museum of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Bronx Museum in New York, USA; MFAH Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA; Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, USA; Microsoft Collection, Washington, USA; Policultural Capitol, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Essex University, Colchester, England; among other.