Museo Moderno
Gonzáles Echague Ramiro

I am Ramiro González Etchagüe, visual artist, born in Tostado province of Santa Fe, Argentina. I live and work in Sunchales, Santa Fe, I am Coordinator of the Basilio Donato Municipal Museum and Historical Archive of the city. I specialized in the management of cultural projects by the Provincial University of Córdoba, the National University of the Coast and in Curatorship by the Node Center, Berlin-Germany. I was a teacher at the Municipal High School. I trained with artists, curators and art specialists with a recognized track record in clinics and workshops; I was an FNA scholarship holder, the Nuevo Banco de Santa Fe Foundation; the Art Boomerang Program and the Estar Program of the Municipality of Córdoba. My works are recognized in salons and contests at the provincial and national level, some are part of public and private collections. I have several individual and group shows.