Museo Moderno
Florido Estanislao

Estanislao Florido was born in Buenos Aires in 1977. His practice develops in the fields of digital animation, painting and installation. In 2001 he graduated from the Prilidiano Pueyrredon National School of Fine Arts with a specialty in Painting and completed various training scholarships at the Rojas Cultural Center, the Telefónica Foundation and the CCEBA. He has received numerous creation grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. Among the awards and distinctions that his work has received, the Grand Prize of Honor – 100th National Hall of Visual Arts – specialty New Supports and Installations, the 10th UADE Prize / Training Scholarship in New York, the Lucio Fontana Prize / Training scholarship in Torino – Italy, Cultural Equality Award – Secretary of Culture of the Nation, LXIII Sa5, National Nolón of Rosario – Second Prize, XII Klemm Prize Klemm Foundation Prize for the Visual Arts. His production has been zz4ze in different museums and important international ones, among which the Curitiba Biennial 17, the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, the Castagnino Macro Museum of Rosario, the Rosa Galisteo Museum of Santa Fe, the Museum of Contemporary Art stand out. of Salta, Fundacion Andreani, Fundación OSDE, Coleccion Fortabat and Fundación Proa among others.
He lives and works in Buenos Aires.