Museo Moderno
Duville Matias
Untitled, 2009. Charcoal on paper. 144x214 cm.

Matías Duville (Buenos Aires, 1974) works with objects, videos and installations although his work is developed mainly from drawing. His works evoke desolate scenes with rarefied and timeless atmospheres like those that precede a cataclysm: hurricanes, tidal waves or situations of abandonment in the forest, they function like the dream vision of a wandering explorer, like a mental landscape. A local reference for drawing, his work is characterized by experimentation with supports and materials. Through expressive strokes and procedures of a certain brutality, he impacts the surface, leaving his marks on the representation, marks in which the nature of the material and the landscape are mixed. The tension between opposites, mutation and time are some of the themes that run through his latest works.