Museo Moderno
Dreyfus Diana
MARCA.ENSAYO.CORCHEA, acrylic and pigment on raw tissue paper, 73,5 x 47,5 cm, 2021

I have the privilege of being one of those who did not have major doubts about what they wanted to do “when they grew up.” Probably my first gesture was to demand my box of 30 Staëdler pencils when I returned from a plane trip alone when I was 5 years old. I chose not to go to Fine Arts, which had many things in its favor, and of course it also left potholes. I had teachers at different stages: Luis Fernández, Hugo Sbernini, Ana Eckell, Carlos Gorriarena, clinic with Fabiana Barreda, Ernesto Ballesteros. As a teacher I have worked with children, adolescents, adults and teachers in various institutions, at the UBA and in my own studio.