Museo Moderno
Azpilicueta Mercedes
Azpilicueta Mercedes Cuerpos Pájaros, 2018 Synchronized three-channel video projection 15 minutes, loop

Mercedes Azpilicueta was born in La Plata in 1981 and grew up in Coronel Suárez, province of Buenos Aires. Between 2002 and 2007 she completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts at the National University Institute of Arts of Buenos Aires. Then, in 2009, she participated in the Artists Program at the Torcuato Di Tella University, in which she held clinics with Jorge Macchi, Mónica Girón and Alejandro Cesarco, among others. In those years she also participated in poetry and writing workshops with Mariano Blatt and Alfredo Jaramillo. In 2011 she traveled to Holland to complete a master’s degree at the Dutch Art Institute / ArteEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, in Arnhem, and she settled in that country. Between 2015 and 2016 she was selected as artist in residence at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, in Amsterdam, where she lives and works. In 2017 she received the Pernod Ricard Fellowship, thanks to which she completed a residency at Villa Vassilieff / Bétonsalon, Center d’art et de recherche, in Paris. In recent years he presented his works and performances at TENT (Rotterdam, 2015), Onomatopee (Eindhoven, 2016), Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Móstoles, 2017), Museion (Bozen, 2018), MACBA (Barcelona, 2018), Museo Jumex (Mexico City, 2018), Villa Vassilieff (Paris, 2018), Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, Getty Foundation and REDCAT/CalArts Gallery (Los Angeles, 2018), among others. Among her individual exhibitions are Everything outside inside, in Móvil (Buenos Aires, 2015); Geometric Dancer Doesn’t Believe in Love, Finds Aspiration and Ecstasy in Spirals, in SlyZmud (Buenos Aires, 2016), and On Affection, in Nogueras Blanchard (Barcelona, 2017). Bodies Birds is the first major panoramic exhibition of her work.