Museo Moderno
Aslan Nora
Alfombra roja, collage textil, 1997- 190 x 160

Buenos Aires, 1937

Nora Aslan’s creative process begins with the search for photographic images. In the beginning, she appropriated those that she found available but for a few years now she has been working with photographs of her own authorship. The artist relates different images creating frictions that secrete other senses other than those that she carried as isolated pieces.
Aslan’s works play with the problematic relationship between a banal and decorative appearance, and a commitment that she establishes at the moment of turning attentively and entering into the act of seeing. What differentiates – and relates – the successive series is the point of view adopted in each instance to generate that unstable journey of vision: seeing and not seeing in the specular game of appearances.
Nora Aslan studied Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires. She attended the workshops of Marta Viñals, Víctor Chab, María Luisa Manassero, Héctor Giuffré, Ana Eckell and Carlos Boccardo.
She held individual exhibitions in various institutions, among which the following stand out: That point (Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Emilio Caraffa, Córdoba, Argentina, 2019); Like a Rollercoaster (Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York, United States, 2005); Chinese Windows (Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001); Point of view (Patricia Ready Gallery, Santiago de Chile, Chile 2001), Carpets (National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997). Likewise, she participated in numerous group exhibitions in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Cuba, the United States, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland.
Among other distinctions, he received the First Prize at the 1st National Textile Art Exhibition (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1992), the First Prize at the Municipal Tapestry Exhibition (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1981) and the First Prize at the University of Palermo (Museum National Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1996). She was twice nominated for the Konex Prize (1992, 1982). His works are part of the collections of: Dallas Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art in Vienna, Museum of Contemporary Art in Sarajevo, Latin American Art Collection at the University of Essex, International College Center in Fulton Pennsylvania, Sívori Museum, University of Palermo and Universidad de Tres de Febrero, as well as private collections in Argentina, the United States and Europe.
She was a teacher for more than 25 years in her private workshop.