Museo Moderno
Aras Joaquin

Joaquín Aras (b. 1985, Argentina) is an argentine artist and filmmaker. He studied Communication at UCA and the MA in Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought at EGS (Switzerland). He attended the art and film programs at Di Tella University. His works were part of exhibitions at MAC-Niterói (Brazil), Museo Moderno (Argentina), Grand Union (UK), M100 (Chile), Bienalsur, among other institutions. He was part of the CCA Kitakyushu Fellowship Program (Japan) and won a residency at Gasworks+URRA with support of Érica Roberts and arteBA. He was awarded grants from FNA, Oxenford Collection and Fundación Telefónica; and an honorable mention at the Klemm Prize. He received the CIFO-Ars Electronica Award 2023. His works are part of the Museo Moderno collection, the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO) collection and other public and private collections.