Museo Moderno
Códega Laura
Acosta Ñu, 2018. Broken, burned, painted and sewn pumpkins on teardrop-shaped fabric. 200 x 120 cm.

Laura Códega is an artist from Argentina, where she currently lives and works. She has a multidisciplinary background since she’s been trained in different fields (Fine Arts, Filmmaking and Journalism) and has also studied with Argentinean and global artists such as Diana Aisenberg, Josep Maria Martin, Tania Bruguera and Roberto Jacoby among others. Códega has been participating actively in the Buenos Aires art scene since 2005. In the last years she took part in numerous individual and group exhibitions at relevant cultural and artistic institutions in Buenos Aires such as Centro Cultural Kirchner, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Fundación Federico Jorge Klemm and Fundación OSDE, as well as national and international fairs. In the past years, she had made commissioned art works for Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACBA). She also obtained prizes at XX Klemm Price and at Castagnino Macro Price. Her work integrates private and public collections such as the Castagnino-Macro Museum and the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum, Spain. In her work there is a concern for the aesthetic of the forgotten, the marginal and the anti-modern. In 2015 she obtained the Oxenford scholarship to travel to Europe and attend harvest festivals for researching contemporary aspects of the European folk tradition. Her practice takes different forms: painting, sculpture, video, installation and writing. Códega usually include the use of artisan or invented techniques as the engravings on leather, the paintings with lemon juice revealed with the heat of fire and the impressions made with banana fibre.