Museo Moderno
Suanno Verónica
Action eggshells, 2016. PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD OF THE ACTION. Variable measurements. Ph Horacio Culaciati

He was born in Pigüé, Buenos Aires, in 1979. He researches and experiments in the field of visual arts. He develops his work from textile elements, particularly recycling. He teaches art production and reflection workshops. She works as a cultural manager. She is an Art teacher in different state secondary schools in Pigüé. She graduated in 2002 from the National Sculpture Professorship (U.N.A.). She conducted construction clinics led by: Daniel Fitte (2009); Diana Aisenberg (2013-2016); Marina De Caro (2013-2017). In 2011, she completed the Cultural Management and Cultural Entrepreneurship degree at the National University of the South of Bahía Blanca. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, she carried out the management of the I, II and III Annual Art Fair, at the school and municipal level. She participated in the residencies: -RIPAC- International Residency for Research and Production in Visual Arts (Embassy of Chile, CABA, 2013) -CURADOR- Residency Season 6 (San José del Rincón, Santa Fe, 2014). -ORIGINARY Hermosura Project- Residence. She coordinated with Mercedes Resch and Nilda Rosemberg, (Cura Malal, Bs. As., 2017). -LOMA BOLA-Residence. Under the mentorship of Diana Aisenberg (Córdoba, 2017) Some samples in: Pasaje 17 (CABA) and MAC Bahía Blanca. Participations in Regional Shows: de Rojas, Pigüé, Cnel. Suárez, Tres Arroyos and Bahía Blanca, obtaining several awards. 2016. Third prize in the IX Banco de Pintura de Córdoba Prize. Since 2007, she has worked with Nilda Rosemberg and Mercedes Resch in Proyecto Hermosura Recently selected in the CCK School and Trades program; Medife Foundation; and Ministry of Culture. 2022 she lives and works in Pigüé.