Museo Moderno
Benedetti Ana Maria
Cascada. Airbrushing on paper. Intervention on wall. 300 x 400 cm.

ANA MARÍA BENEDETTI (Salta, 1979). She is an independent visual artist and cultural manager.
She has a degree and a Higher Professor of Plastic Arts, she graduated from the National University of Córdoba (2001).
3rd Prize 109th National Hall of Visual Arts edition 2020 / 2021. 1st Prize XXXIII Provincial Hall of Visual Arts of Salta 2013.
She receives the following scholarships: Bicentennial Scholarship for Artistic Creation, National Fund for the Arts (2016); Improvement Scholarship for Interior artists, from the National Fund for the Arts (2004); Production and Work Analysis Meetings of the Antorchas Foundation (2003); Between fields Regional Salta (2009); Program of Excellence in Cultural Management awarded by the AECID, the Spanish Embassy and the Spanish Cultural Center in Buenos Aires (2009 – 2010); Placed Thoughts, La Guarda / CFI (2008/2009); Tellúrica Residency, FNA Group Scholarship (2011); Shared Workshop Program, CRUDO Gallery (2021).
Conducts clinics on analysis and production of works with: Tulio de Sagastizábal, Eva Grinstein, Jorge Gumier Maier, Ernesto Ballesteros, Rafael Cippolini, Román Vitali, Eduardo Médici, Res, Valeria González, Juan Astica and Jorge Macchi. Participates in exhibitions, projects and cultural activities: Regional Cultural Management Analysis Meetings, Trama (2004), and TRAMA. The meeting: Regional Exchange Conferences on Artistic Management and Cultural Cooperation Networks in Latin America (2005); II National Meeting of Visual Artists and Curators with management projects, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Nation and the National Fund for the Arts (2012); Interfaces. Dialogues between regions (Salta – Mendoza), organized by the National Culture Department and the FNA (2006); Belonging, House of Culture of the FNA, Buenos Aires (2006); NOA Selection OSDE Visual Arts Hall (2006); Art of Salta, Argentina Pinta Bien Program, Repsol – YPF and C.C. Recoleta, Museum of Contemporary Art of Salta (2005) and C.C. Recoleta (2008); Contemporary Argentine Territory, Argentina Program from End to End, Sec. of Culture of the Nation (2007); National Hall of Visual Arts, Pro Cultura Salta (2000 and 2007); 1200 Sea Level, Casa de Salta in Buenos Aires (2007); Oasis, Barrio Joven / arteBA’07; Landscapes, traveling exhibition: El Cabildo – C.C. of the Republic, Asunción, Paraguay (2007), Museum of Contemporary Art of Salta (2007 – 2008) and C.C. Spain – Buenos Aires (2008); I’m_posibles, collective exhibition at the CEPIA, National University of Córdoba (2008); Incorporation of the Salta scene Castagnino + MACRO, MAC Salta (2009); ControlBajo, Chez Vautier Gallery, Buenos Aires (2009); C.A.S.A, Barrio Joven / arteBA`09; Another North – North Axis, 1st Triennial of Chile 2009, Museum of Contemporary Art of Salta and Regional Council of Culture of Antofagasta – Chile (2009); ARTE 200, Museum of Contemporary Art of Salta, (2010); Dialogues of abstraction in Salta 1980 – 2011, Provincial Museum of Fine Arts (2011); Tellúrica, group exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art of Salta (2011); Las Toldes, Barrio Joven / arteBA´12, Buenos Aires; Acquisitions 2011 – 2012 Museum of Contemporary Art of Salta (2012); Applied Utopias, Multipurpose Room VIVA Library Antofagasta, Chile (2012); Contemporary Art Week 2, Antofagasta, Chile (2013); CHACO International Contemporary Art Fair, Santiago de Chile (2013); Insumiso Papers, “Timoteo Navarro” Provincial Museum, Tucumán (2014); Environments, El Teatrino Gallery, Salta (2015); Contemporary Andean Art – Argentina, Chile and Bolivia today, José Antonio Terry Regional Museum of Painting, Ticara (Jujuy), organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Nation; Confluencia(s) María Martorell and abstraction in Salta, XLI Abril Cultural Salteño, PROCultura Salta and Galería El Palacio, Salta (2017); Mirador Project, Art in Barrio Joven arteBA´17 and FOCUS arteBA (2017); Solo Project – Zona Bonino, for Art at Mercado de Arte Córdoba (2018); The original brand. Argentine Art, Néstor Kirchner Cultural Center, Buenos Aires (2019). The wandering gaze. Individual anthological exhibition, Cycle “Salteños at the MAC” Museum of Contemporary Art of Salta (2017), LUOGO Rafaela Gallery – Santa Fe (2019), La mansa tempestad, intervention in open space, Panorama. Art Galleries Week in Argentina (2020), Slow Wave I and II, Film-Screening, IntAkt, WUK, Vienna (2021, On the edge of the ocean, the sound of a black mirror and the appearance of things, group exhibition UNL Museum of Contemporary Art – Santa Fe (2021), Atmosphere on site, guest artist at the 9th Rafaela National Biennial, Poggi Urban Art Museum (2021); A frozen pulse, group exhibition at CRUDO Gallery, Rosario – SantaFe (2022 ); In transit. Works from the macro collection, Center for Contemporary Expressions, Rosario – Santa Fe (2022); The imminence of light, exhibition
individual, Buenos Aires Museum (2022). She has participated as an awards jury in the Provincial Hall of Salta edition Publications in which his work appears: Contemporary Poetics of the National Fund for the Arts (2010), Vida Plástica Salteña (2005), edited by the Secretariat of Culture of Salta and the Federal Investment Council (CFI) and Pintura Contemporánea Salteña , from Fedro Gallery Editions (2004). Collections: Castagnino Museum + MACRO (Rosario, Santa Fe), Museum of Contemporary Art of Salta; Chandon collection (Buenos Aires); Banco Supervielle collection and private collections. Between 2004 and 2013 she is one of the coordinators of La Guarda visual arts space in the City of Salta. Between 2015 and 2020 she is part of the founding board of directors of the civil association CASa (Community of Artists of Salta). Since 2019, she has self-managed the Hopscotch art space within the bookstore with the same name. She is a higher level teacher at the “Tomás Cabrera” Provincial School of Fine Arts. She develops her work in Salta – Argentina