Museo Moderno
De Zuviría Facundo
Series Estampas Porteñas, Vintage gelatin silver print, Unique copy on Ilford Gallery matte paper, 20 x 25 cm.

(Buenos Aires, 1954)

He started as a photographer at La Nación newspaper in 1977, where he worked until 1979. He then worked as a collaborator for the cultural supplement of La Prensa, and from 1983 to 1989 in the Programa Cultural en Barrios, photographing the city and its people, as a teacher and in the organization of courses and neighborhood photography workshops.
In 1988 he organized with other colleagues the Jornadas de Fotografía Buenos Aires – La Plata, the first photography festival held in Argentina, and the first photographic reportage workshop held in La Plata, in 1989, as a corollary of the Jornadas. Between 1989 and 1991 he directed the project for the rescue and preservation of photographic archives for Fundación Antorchas, designing an Argentine Photo Library and an archival program of national application. He was in charge of the realization of the Argentine photography collection for RaboBank, exhibited in 2011 at the Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires and later donated to the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. In 2019 he curated the
exhibition Mundo Propio: Fotografía Moderna Argentina, which took place at MALBA.
In recognition of his work, he was twice awarded the Konex Prize (1992 and 2012), the Leonardo Lifetime Achievement Award (MNBA, 1996) and the First Prize at the Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales (2012). He participated with his photographs in the international art biennials of Buenos Aires (2000 and 2002), Mercosur (2000) and São Paulo (1991).
He lives in Buenos Aires and the city is the central theme in his work, published in the books Estampas Porteñas (1996), Siesta Argentina (2003), Cada vez te quiero más (2004), Buenos Aires: Coppola + Zuviría (2006), Paraná ra’angá (2013), Estampas (2015) and Frontalismo (2019).