Museo Moderno
Boz Joaquín
Caudal, 2022. Untitled, 2022 220 x 320 cm (2 panels of 220 x 160 cm) oil on wood.

Joaquín Boz (Rojas, 1987) studied art at the National University of Rosario. Between 2009 and 2011 he attended Claudia del Río’s art workshops and started painting, first combining drawing and painting, figuration and abstraction, and later fully dedicating himself to abstract painting. In his pieces, the focus is set on the evolution of the work and the exploration of the materials: a limited number of elements transforming with time according to the techniques and the different forms in which they can be combined. Each painting reveals the presence of countless discrete decisions and organic networks of marks registering intimate conversations between the artist and his materials. In 2011 he moved to Buenos Aires to take part in the Artists’ Program at the Torcuato di Tella University coordinated by Jorge Macchi, holding a YPF Foundation scholarship as an artist from outside Buenos Aires. He also attended Valentina Liernur’s art workshops. In 2018 he was given a scholarship to take up a three-month residency at ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York). He was awarded second prize in the IX Central Bank of Argentina National Exhibition of Painting (2016), first prize in the LXVIII National Exhibition of Rosario (2014) and first prize in Proyecto A (2013). He was also selected to compete in the Federico Jorge Klemm Award to Visual Arts (2018), the Buenos Aires Biennial of Young Art (2013), the Braque Award (2013) and Currículum 0 (2011).

His individual exhibitions include Mano sin hora (Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2020), Los días (Barro, Buenos Aires, 2018), New Work (Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2017), Cadena de islas (Solo Project, Steve Turner, Zona Maco, Mexico City, 2016), Sonido blanco (Big Sur Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2015), Inscripción en la tierra (Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2015) and Insolada (Móvil, Buenos Aires, 2014). Some of the most prominent recent collective exhibitions in which he was featured are Inédita (Barro, Buenos Aires, 2020), Dos museos y un río, curated by Ticio Escobar (Bienalsur, Castagnino+macro, Rosario, Santa Fe, 2019), Through-line: Drawing & Weaving by 19 Artists (Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2018), Carbon, curated by Lauren Kasmer (FOCA, Fellows of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 2018), Arte argentino.100 años en la Colección Castagnino+macro (Castagnino+macro, Rosario, Santa Fe, 2018), Agramaticalismos, curated by Jimena Ferreiro (Aldo de Sousa, Buenos Aires, 2016) and Diagonal Sur. Arte argentino hoy, curated by Philippe Cyroulnik (Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, 2016).