Museo Moderno
Blanco Roma
No title.

Roma Blanco, Mar del Plata, 1977. Lives and works between Argentina, Spain and the United States. She is a Professor in visual arts, with a specialization in Painting and Engraving (Martín Malharro School of Visual Arts, Mar del Plata) and a Museologist (Training Institute No. 8, La Plata. She conducted workshops and a work clinic with Juan Carlos Romero, Manuel Ameztoy, Leticia Obeid and Sergio Bazán. Participated in the Field Recordings workshop. Experimental music. With Alan Courtis (Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires) and attended the intensive Sound Montage Workshop. With Alejandro Taliano (Buenos Aires). Undertook training in Art printed at Alfred University | Expanded Media Division (Alfred, USA), at the Art Student League of New York (New York, USA) and at the Taller Litografico of the Ernesto de la Cárcova School (UNA, Bs.As.)