Museo Moderno
Bersten Mariana

Mariana Bersten was born in Buenos Aires, 1975, studied photography at the International Center of Photography in New York in 1996 and studied Art at Empire State College in New York, the city where she lived until 2007. She exhibited her works in different cities around the world, such as New York, Miami, Paris, London, Mexico, Madrid and Buenos Aires. She was awarded by the ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers, APA (Advertising Photographers of America), awarded a scholarship in 2008 by the LIPAC Buenos Aires, in 2009 she won first prize at the Bahía Blanca Biennial and in 2010 she received the scholarship from the National Arts Fund 2011. Selected in the Itaú Visual Arts Award 2019. Currently directs the Artists x Artists program and the Mirador Foundation.