Museo Moderno
Bercic Fabián

Buenos Aires, 1969. He studied graphic design at the University of Buenos Aires while he worked at Ford Motors Argentina, first as a production line operator, and later as an auditor/analyst at the Quality Checks department. While a worker at the factory, he began to attend the workshops of painter Héctor Medici and sculptor BeBna Sor. In 2001 he quit his job to fully devote himself to the art production. He adopted a medieval shop model, in contrast with his previous job, but maintained certain design and industrial aspects as characterisTIcs of his production: his personal brand. In 2003 he was awarded the First Prize by the Federico Klemm FoundaBon. In 2004 and 2005 he worked on a scholarship granted by the University of Buenos Aires and the Kuitca FoundaTIon. He won the NaTIonal Arts Fund 50th Anniversary First Prize in 2008 and the First Prize for Sculpture at the NaTIonal Salon of Visual Arts in 2017. In 2021 he won the prize of Real Estate Developer Azcuy for his site-specific work in one of their buildings. He has set up and participated of numerous solo and collecTIve exhibiTIons, some of which are: “Civilización y Barbarie” (CivilizaTIon and Barbarism), an iTInerant exhibiTIon showed in Caracas, SanTIago de Chile, Brasilia, Panamá City, Guatemala, MACRO Rosario (2004/2006); “Mix 05” at the PROA FoundaTIon (2005), “Zen Garden” at the Workspace Blanton Museum of Arts, AusTIn, USA (2008), “Natural” at the Ignacio Liprandi Contemporary Art Gallery (2010), “New Territories” at the MAD Museum, NY City, USA (2014), “Meteora” at the Recoleta Cultural Center of Buenos Aires (2018) and “Meteora” at the Calvaresi Gallery (2021). He lives and works in Buenos Aires.