Museo Moderno
Fernández Martin
Sin titulo, 70 cm x 100 cm, Carbonilla sobre papel, 2018.

He studied a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts at IUNA, with a focus on painting. He attended courses and workshops led by Eduardo Stupía, Verónica Gómez, Andrea Giunta, Diego Bianchi, Karina Peisajovich, Osías Yanov, and Luciana Lamothe. Main grants: ABC I Grant; FNA-Conti Grant 2013. JIMA Grant.
Academic residency at the University of Monterrey, Mexico. He participated in the Artists Program at the Torcuato Di Tella University. Teaching staff: Mónica Girón / Santiago Villanueva. Training Grant. National Fund for the Arts. MARCO art focus. Workshops in residence. Residencies: Future Narratives Residence. Curator: Juliana Gontijo. La ira de dios, Buenos Aires. IAM (Berlin) and Zentralwerk e.V. (Dresden). Awards: Prilidiano Pueyrredón Award, Recoleta Cultural Center.
Special mention. Proyecto A 2012 Project Award. Proyecto A Gallery. 103 National Drawing Salon. Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires. Proyecto A 2014 Project Award. Proyecto A Gallery. FNA Visual Arts Award 2019. Stimulus Award. In 2021, he held the solo exhibition “Agua Negra” at the Franklin Rawson Museum, San Juan, and in 2022 “Alucinación” at Constitución Gallery.